And thank God for it. I told Ev once that I didn't have the time or energy to write and market. He said to just write and "they'd do the rest" which is what I've done.
I've always been driven but my health has kicked my butt and handed it back to me. I've been in the hospital 3x already this year. My kitchen counter looks like a Rite-Aid. I get frustrated with myself that I can't do what I used to do. Did I mention I'm only in my 50s? I'm trying to learn to be okay with my limitations, rest when I need to but dude... the spirit is willing but the flesh is entirely weak. 😛
Last year I published every day. This year I'm lucky if I get 3-4 posts out a week. I have so much I want to say. Some topics are timely and so by the time I feel like I have enough energy to tackle the research and writing, it's old news.
Okay, I'm done complaining. Invoice my insurance company for the therapy session! 😂