Apparently, I’ve Been Asleep Behind the Wheel

Has this always been here and I just didn’t notice it?

Terry L. Cooper
2 min readNov 10, 2021
Screenshot by writer

I pop in and out of Medium all day long. Mostly to see if I have any new notifications and to add to my reading list whatever strikes my fancy that has been posted since the last pop-in. There was a little dialog box over this first story. I clicked on the OK and then the all too familiar 3 little dots to see what the deal was. This is what I saw.

This is every Medium readers’ wet dream. “Show less like this”. Now you can silence the follow-for-follow stories, the I have Medium stories, the Medium is dying, the Medium top writers are jumping ship, and all of the other clickbait policy and rule breaking bullshit that floods our feeds here.

You can also do a little muting from here as well of not only the content creator but the publication they’ve published to as well.

Me personally, I wouldn’t report from here though. Unless there was something out and out blatantly wrong with just the title alone… you almost have to get to at least the first paragraph of a post before you could decide whether or not to report it, right?

But I’m digging that new-to-me at least feature. And no Paul, I didn’t block or mute you. Actually, you’ll see the little black flag which indicates I’ve added your piece to my read list.

