Product Review

Google Notebook

It doesn’t play nice with others.

Terry L. Cooper
2 min readMay 12, 2021
Image by Melk Hagelslag from Pixabay

My first laptop I had for nearly 10 years. Yep. Longer than either of my marriages. What can I say? The laptop served me better than either husband.

It had an impressive 17.5-inch monitor, which I loved. When you spend several hours a day on a laptop, a large screen is a must. Less eye strain.

It finally gave up on me, and I had to call time of death. #2019 #RIP

Since it broke down at an inopportune time (is there ever a good time?) I had to buy a replacement quickly. It worked okay for the money. It had all the bells and whistles. It only lasted a year. That was disappointing.
Time of death: Jan 2020

The birth of my Google Chromebook, Jan 2021.

Had I known…

I would have never bought it and kept shopping. I throw in a caveat here. Some of this could very well be operator error. I’m human like everyone else. And like most guys, I don’t ask questions and I don’t read instructions. With that being said.

I still don’t like it. Google doesn’t like to interface with anything other than Google products. Should have been obvious. But it wasn’t. Not to me, anyway. I figure a laptop was a laptop. I’ve never been more wrong in my life.

I bought Microsoft everything and none of it works on GC. I couldn’t even get CCleaner to work! I’ve tried Google Docs and others, hate them all. I’m sure it’s a learning curve since I’ve used all things MS for eons, and frankly, I’m in no mood to learn anything new.


If you need a laptop in a hurry and don’t mind learning something new, this is for you. Otherwise?

Buyer beware. Or at least informed.



Terry L. Cooper

Writer for this platform since June 2020. See my pinned post for links to locate me all over the WWW.