I can only speak of what I know and here in the US it's less stupidity and more indoctrination. From the time we're able to crawl we're told to hold flags and wave them at least twice a year. Many people around the world have seen the black and white image of a toddler, John F. Kennedy Jr, saluting his dead father at the funeral procession.
We go to parades and wave American flags. Arlington National Cemetery touts more than 3 MILLION visitors each year. Wonder how much money that brings into the local economy?
As much as I detest Michael Moore he did make a documentary where someone was walking up to congressmen on the streets surrounding Capital Hill and asking them when they were sending their own children off to war. No response from anyone.
We've gotten so many things wrong in this country. War just being one of the many. War should be a last resort and not an economy booster.