I have suggested to Tony that anyone who has done the F4F in order to get into the MPP be kicked out until they clean up their numbers.
You know they are not reading 30k "writers" (I call them typists) because no one has that kind of time. They follow 30k to net 10k because there are still way too many people on all platforms that think that follow counts matter. They do, if they are legit.
Then the Algo goes off the rails because of all of the typists and their god awful meta posts. And it isn't even that it's a meta post per se that's the issue. It's that they are typist and not writers. Like Linda said, writing is a skill not everyone has. But "everyone" seems ot think that because they can bang on the keyboard they are a writer. This my distinction of typist v writer.
Medium is so broken now that I seriously don't know if it can be fixed. That's why I also post on my BuyMeACoffee blog site, and am beefing up my Twitter following, and have now opened an IG account.
All eggs in one battered basket isn't cutting it.