I marched on Washington 2001 in a silent protest after 9/11. I marched again a few years later for rape survivors rights (men and women). I was 38 when I attended my first march. If I hadn't moved out of the DC I would have been at a lot more.
It's way too easy for people to be keyboard commandos and charge at windmills instead of actually doing something about a situation that will invoke real change.
I've rode the collective arses of some animal abusers for well over a year now. I fill up their comment sections, report them to YouTube, PETA and two of their embassies.
People will talk about how many letters they've written to which people on Capitol Hill like that does anything. Can you even fathom how much mail they get in any given day? That it all goes through gatekeepers so the fast majority of it they never see?
In the meantime I'll be out here in the streets getting my hands dirty.