I recognize every single one of those tactics. When I signed on with the fed gov years ago, we females were also taught a few more tricks. I had the position where I had a Go Bag packed for nearly 7-years in case I got deployed regardless of the time of day or night.
When traveling alone ladies, if you need to use an airport restroom, take the very first or the very last stall. That way you have that spot between the commode and the wall to place your things until you're done. Don't put your contact information on your luggage tags. Place identifying information INSIDE the bad where onlookers can't see it.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some but those two always stuck with me.
As for the rest of the time? Don't walk between parked cars. Don't approach your vehicle is an unmarked van is parked next to you. Walk around so that you can survey the entire parking spot. Keep your phone charged and a charger in your car at all times. Walk in the middle of the "road" in parking lots. Especially if you're alone.
Hell I even have a PO Box and a burner phone at this point. For a small fee anyone can get online and have access to all the information about you that they want. It helps that my name is spelled with a Y instead of an I but still.
I've been a victim too many times and refuse to be ever again. Thanks for giving us a voice, Rose.