If You Have More Issues Than Time Magazine…

You can expect me to cut you off. For good.

Terry L. Cooper
4 min readFeb 23, 2022
Picryl, Public Domain

You can always tell who doesn’t bother to read my posts. They’re the ones who are drunks or not taking their meds. Or they’re taking their meds but they aren’t working. Whichever or combo thereof I’m over tolerating the crazies on Medium just because they’re functioning drunks/mentally ill/too old to be online/etc.

I’ve made it abundantly clear that I have been catching hell since last fall and have a less than zero tolerance for bullsh-.

Today I’ve had to block another one not just on here but from my email as well. We were never friends in the true sense of the word. She would stir shite up on here and then hit me in my email wanting me to write a piece defending her atrocious actions.

‘Scuse me?

Many times she’d fly off the handle about someone talking about her on here, she just knew it was her they were talking about blah blah blah and she’d send me a link to check it out. Every single time it turned out not to be about her. I even pointed out in one ‘I’m coming to get you!’ piece that if she had bothered to look at the screenshot they provided you could see the name of the person to whom they were referring.

They named no names but she knows she goes around throwing shite like an enraged chimp locked up in a broke azz zoo and then ducking and dodging and crying when it comes back her way.

Everything she writes is of the bitter, angry, and oh woe is me variety. Never anything fun, life-changing, or uplifting. Her life sucks, through no fault of her own mind you, and she wants everyone to know about it.

Some time back I sent her a screenshot of someone’s About page wondering out loud how someone so new to the platform could have so many followers without doing the F4F thing. Next thing I know instead of kicking around theories with me she did what she always does.

She wrote about it.

Then she got called out.

She went off half-cocked as always wanting to know how this writer could have so many followers without ever having published any stories. That’s not what her About page shows and it isn’t what I circled in red no less. But true to form, everything makes her beyond mad, it enrages her. She was off and running.

Now she emails me to please not email her any more screenshots because the girl had written plenty. I said, ‘sure thing but I never said she hadn’t’, clicked send, and then promptly blocked her email. And before I could get a PN on here, I blocked her from here too.

She had asked for my cell number back during the holidays because she wanted to call and check on me. I can’t say that I was flat-out suicidal but I did spend two days and nights in bed crying. For someone who isn’t a crier, that’s a bit much. I was in a dark place and am still grabbing both azz cheeks each day, by myself, and pulling myself out of it. Then I get this shite from someone who apparently reads drunk. And I’m not being mean here. She herself has written about how her friends have talked to her about her drinking.

Then the little darling I share space with has been on the warpath for the last 48 hours. For whatever reason, she decided here in the last couple of days that the microwave needed to be moved. Never mind it had been where it was for months and wasn’t hurting anything being where it was, she decides to move it to the part of the kitchen counter where I prep food.

I moved it back and left her a love note that the microwave couldn’t be where she left it because… she slammed the kitchen blinds down so hard that it made a smack like someone flat handing the kitchen countertop. This afternoon she left here and slammed the front door behind her.

Mind you I cleaned out my pantry yesterday and left some food on the counter with a note to keep it if she wanted it otherwise I was going to donate it. She took it all but three cans.

I’m still waiting on a thank you.

It’s all good though. I got rid of it because it’s full of sodium and I’m having to cut way back (fluid in my left leg) so between that and all the eggs she eats…

Tick tock mudder fracker.

I’ve also recently said farewell to three sometimes friends. Two of them got the ‘I give up’ email just before I blocked them. The other one got an ‘oh well’ before they had the same fate befell them. I doubt any of them care. But at least I can say I closed the door on yet more one-sided “relationships”.

Who wants to be next?

