I'm a chill kinda gal. But there comes at least one time in everyone's life where you can no longer play the role of Switzerland. There comes a time when you're either a part of the problem or a part of the solution.
I plan on being a part of the solution.
I tried working inside "the system" to make things better and they only got worse. Now editors are quitting by the hour. They've made their decision and decided to take a stand.
Part of the problem or part of the solution? Where will you stand?
That's a question each individual has to make for themselves. Continuing to support such a toxic environment that thrives on every ism there is including sexism and ageism writers now as well as editors have to make this decision for themselves.
Will writers continue to support a toxic and hostile environment by continuing to submit their work there or are they going to take a stand?
Time will tell.