I’m going to let them have it. I’m getting too tired to fight, at least for now. My heroes can knock some skulls around and get to the bottom of some things.
I may even see what it would take to get to DC or Baltimore (for starters) and have them look at all of the medical records and see if they have any ideas. See if they want me up there to run their own tests. Things change in medicine almost daily. I don’t know that the area I’m in is able to keep up. Plus I doubt seriously they have the equipment in place to do anything “fancy” in the way of tests.
They’re used to the same old same old around here. Apparently, and maybe because of 9/11, I’m an outlier. Their textbook definition of normal isn’t what my body is. My normal is lower than usual blood pressure. My normal is a 9.6–96.8 body temp. They listen to my lungs and hear nothing but then send me for a chest x-ray and I have pneumonia.
Stuff like that.
It’s getting harder and harder for me to stay on top of things. I’ve asked for some (hopefully) short-term nursing assistance. That hasn’t panned out yet. I’ll bring it up at my sick patient visit on Thursday. My sinus medication and my heart medication are identical. Same shape, color, and size. The only difference is the teeny markings on them. Well, guess what? I was taking sinus medicine 2x a day and heart medicine 1x per day. The complete opposite of what I should be doing.
They gave me a bottle of pills a the hospital pharmacy when I was discharged so I wouldn’t have to wait for my pharmacy to get it filled and delivered. Okay, fine.
Not so fine. They gave me 40mg tabs and I was supposed to cut them in half. If anyone told me that it didn’t register so I was taking whole pills for 2 weeks. Now I’m out and then it’s when I figured out what got screwed up and how. So I’ve been “OD” on cholesterol medication. If they didn’t have the 20 mg prescribed why didn’t they call my pharmacy and let them do it? Why didn’t the hospital pharmacy cut them up for me? That would have made me stop twice and then read the bottle to figure out why they were cut.
It’s a lot, Maria.