I’m hitting claps and can’t figure out why the response box isn’t opening up. Yes. It’s been a very long day today. I don’t know how articulate this is going to be but I’m going to give it my best shot.
Back when I first joined Medium, apparently writers got paid for claps. I don’t recall the breakdown or details. It wasn’t long after I signed on that they did away from that feature.
So some of the “old-timers” may be stuck in that mentality that you always give 50 claps, period.
From what I’ve seen of newbs, a portion of them at least don’t know about claps other than it’s something that they can do. The how and why I believe escapes them. Time and reading and they too will realize the importance of the relational Medium that Ev has moving along at a great speed.
Interact or get left behind. Changes on Medium are coming from all fronts. The only “issue” is that most people don’t know that yet. It hasn’t affected them personally so they are “comfortably numb”. Until their account gets suspended because they didn’t cite an image, they won’t “get it”.
Which brings me full circle, I hope. Interact, relate, be real, be human, be genuine.
For me personally, claps mean you read it and you liked it. I don’t trust the stats nor the algorithm. The only measuring stick that I rely on are claps. Think of a theater selling out of tickets but then half the seats are empty. What measure will you use to gauge success? The sales of the empty seats?
For me, it’s butts in seats. If the chairs are empty, then I didn’t do something right. If I take the time to write and edit and publish, then I want people to take the time to read and respond. Otherwise, I’m bound to believe that I missed the mark as a writer and need to reassess style, subject matter, something in order to get audience engagement.
God, I hope that made sense. If you’ll excuse me now, I’m going to go die somewhere! :P