Policing the Police

I’m Not A Should Kind Of Person

But I am going to should you now

Terry L. Cooper


If you haven’t read Steve QJ’s piece yet, then there’s your first should.

At first, I didn’t know how to feel about the entire situation immediately after reading his piece. I think I was in shock and awe that almost exactly twenty years on and it’s still happening.

It’s still happening…

As I write this, I find I am appalled. And gutted. And have a profound sense of uselessness. Helplessness might be the better word. And exhausted. And drained. And tired. And…?

Mad as hell under it all.


As I was reading Steve’s piece, I flashed back to an experience I had back in the early 90s while working for a detective agency in Washington, D.C.

Steve asked where were all the good apples. Depending upon your viewpoint, fortunately, or unfortunately, I had a reply for him.

Steve QJ, man I’m sorry. And I’m sorry doesn’t seem to quite cut it, does it? I wish I knew what to say other than I see you and I’m here.

