It. Ain’t. That. Fucking. Serious.

Reality check

Terry L. Cooper
2 min readMar 25, 2021
Image by SplitShire from Pixabay

No matter how much things suck for you, they always suck worse for someone else.

So when you get a PRIVATE note stating to review the proper usage of ellipsis, or that you’ve provided a submission that is a duplicate and have been given a link to assist you in your education as a writer, or a note stating that, “All images must be copyright free and cited as such”- come the fuck in off the ledge, okay? It ain’t that fucking serious.

Some of you “writers” act as though someone stole your service animal and destroyed your coloring book. GTFOH

It ain’t that serious. You weren’t denied housing because of the color of your skin. You weren’t denied medical assistance when your ex decided to beat you within an inch of your life. The cops haven’t shown up at your door at 2 am to tell you a family member has been killed. Get the point?

It. Ain’t. That. Fucking. Serious.

You call yourself a writer, but you do nothing to educate yourself. Then when someone provides you with feedback and links, you cry like a little bitch. Yeah. I said it. Fuck, someone needs to. Because extra candy bars and hugs with puppies sure as fuck ain’t cutting it.

Take off the Pampers. Take off the Depends. Strap-on your Big People Drawers and pull your shit together.

For ALL of our sakes.

Okay, so this one had been sitting in drafts for about 3 weeks now. I wrote it out of frustration. Imagine that, when a writer submitted a piece to be published. In it, they detailed how they “wept into their keyboard” because the mean old editor (not their words but eh hemm, guess who the editor was on their work of art) told them they could rape ellipsis every other sentence, that what they wrote had to be (brace yourselves) coherent, etc.

What the FK was I thinking?

Bad editor. Bad editor. Bad, bad, bad editor…

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

