It Sucks To Be Popular!

Well, okay, not really.

Terry L. Cooper
2 min readJun 19, 2021
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


Sparked and Triggered

My responses to stories and articles by other Medium writers.


My archival system of older stories that were previously published in various publications on this platform, including Illumination, Illumination-Curated, The Haven, Crime Beat, and others.

Writers, Write Right!

Your one-stop shop for tools every writer needs to write often and write well.

The White Light Society

Where like-minded individuals come together and discuss everything from Automatic Writing to tarot card reading to channeling can be discussed civilly.

“You’re Related To Who??”

Many writers on Medium write about notable people in world history. I’ve wanted to have a publication dedicated to them. This is how I merge both worlds.

Owner of five (5) publications. Editing for four (4). Writer for nine (9) and counting! So you now have 18 places to find me and my writings. Which is way down from the 25 of just three weeks ago. I had to cut some loose. I was feeling guilty about that many people waiting on me to produce when I’ve been in a CFS relapse for more than two months now and a dad with dementia.

There just isn’t enough of me to go around. The three at the top are new to me addons. Noteworthy — The Journal Blog actually PNd me and asked me to do a specific piece for them. I’m working on my stamina for Trail of the Saucers. They prefer longer pieces and I can’t hang like I use to. I have several drafts that I need to flesh out. As soon as I can stay awake long enough to do so.

I need to lock myself in a hotel room with some delivery menus for about a month.


So far this coming week I have six pieces coming out. Monday I have one coming out in Technology Hits where I’ve reviewed six text-to-speech apps. Monday through Friday I have one piece per day coming out in SYNERGY. Peep the intro on Monday so you have a clue what Tuesday — Friday will look like.

It’s 12:16 in the afternoon and my eyes are already more closed than not. Later taters.

