It was/is a huge mess, Miss Bebe.
Some writer wrote a story about me and was complaining. What she was complaining about happened back in MAY.
Maverick wrote a response piece in my defense.
Someone wrote a comment on his piece that the “Doc” didn’t like. So under the moniker of “Editor of Technology Hits”, he attacked the commenter.
She didn’t appreciate the attack so she commented on his piece.
He then turned around and wrote yet another piece about her that was worse than the first!
Finally, I couldn’t be silent any longer. I kept hoping that everyone would just let it drop and we could all move on.
So I wrote my looooong piece telling the entire story including how women, in particular, are treated when they volunteer as editors for those publications.
That in turn got me attacked by the “Doc” as he created a fake account and started leaving some pretty nasty comments on my published pieces, which included that my face looked like a “rectum”.
Pretty professional for a publisher with a Ph.D., eh?
I sent to Medium links to all of the slanderous articles, along with some screenshots, for them to check into the situation. They have since suspended the account that was attacking me. They are still investigating him, his accounts, and the stories.
Who needs the Young and the Rsetless!