Terry L. Cooper
2 min readAug 27, 2021


MUCH better off! I’ve been added to Snapshots as a writer which I am very much looking forward to. I get to use my photography along with my writing which is so cool.

He does hog up the bulk of the main page for sure but then there is the gross numbers. I know I personally have shoved close to 100 pieces out in a single day so think about it. If you were the first one that I published that morning where do you think you were by the end of the day? Hell, at the end of my “shift”?

The bottom. Because #2 would have been published after yours and you would have gone down a notch. #2 would have gone down a notch when I published #3 and so on.

I don’t know how anyone gets read when they are swallowed up in that kind of volume but people don’t think about it. They see a publication with “10s of thousands” of whatever and think, “That’s the place for me!”.

You’re better off in a mid-size or even smaller pub and more than one. I Publish mostly in Writers’ Blokke which is Benny Lim’s publication. I think he’s at about 5K now. There’s FEEDIUM. That’s JJ Pryor's publication. I haven’t looked lately to see where his numbers are but he’s got a following.

Then there’s Fuck Niches which is Jason Presley’s brainchild. He doesn’t have a huge following at the moment as he took some time off to do some ghostwriting. But he’s back now and has started writing every day again so he should be taking off too.

If you want more suggestions of places to sign on as a writer, just let me know!



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