New and Improved Lists

Terry L. Cooper
3 min readOct 7, 2021

Following Robert’s Rules of Order, old business first. To get emails when I post click the link below. No newsletters or spam. Just an email notification each time I publish.

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Now onto the updated Lists list.

My Best Work-If I do say so myself and I do. Here are the most telling essays I’ve written ever. From being gang-raped to what it was like being in DC during 9/11, you’ll find it here. 24 posts

Close Calls-I’ve found myself in some hairy situations over the years. Those stories can be found here.

Flops-My stories that just didn’t seem to take off. I stopped adding low posts at 57. I didn’t want to see how many there actually were! I was shocked at the 57 TBH.

Everyday Living-Typical days of my less than ordinary life. From dad’s strokes to my job and everything in between.

My Wild and Crazy Family Tree-Posts from all over Medium re: my family
I’m related to practically anyone and everyone you’ve ever heard about in American History. From outlaws to royals to Elvis himself.

Transparency-More of What This Platform Needs. If there are no screenshots, it never happened. This is where you will find all of my monthly updates on stats.

Writer to Writer-Stories about writing, editing, hacks, tips, etc.

How To Write Better, Use Medium More Efficiently My how-to posts that cover how to highlight a writer’s story and post that highlight to Twitter.

Medium Drama-This place has nothing on Y&R. Think of this as Soap Digest for Medium.

Short Forms-150 words or less Standing in line? Sitting in a waiting room? Commuter bus? This is your chance.

Humor Need a giggle? Check it out.

UFO and Aliens and Demons and Angels-And all things supernatural
I combined two lists into one. UFO and Supernatural were both thin so it made sense to condense them into one list.

Technology Including Changes on Medium

Open Letters
Letters written to everyone from a Food Lion employee to Ev Williams himself.

Where to Submit on and off the Platform-Publications with descriptions, and guidelines. This is a combination of lists here. I had some in this list and some in Writer to Writer. They are now all in one place.

#Writerslift-Articles about other Medium writers

Health Mostly mine. The day-to-day ups and downs of being disabled.

My Response-Pieces that I write in response to other writers’ articles.
Think of it as 60 Minutes’ Point-Counter Point segment.

Baby Boomers-Things the peeps of a certain age can relate to.

Bullshit Essay Series. This is what happens when I go for more than two weeks with no internet. It wasn’t pretty.

This you have GOT to read! Stories by other writers that were absolutely fabulous.


Social Issues

Mental Health

General-When something fits nowhere else.

