Oh, we get it. We just don't like it. I was born on the cusp of Boomer & Gen X. However, I seem to spend more of my time correcting "the youngsters" on the Boomer generation.
I even laid out a "kid" on YouTube who made a video telling the younger generation that Boomers don't know anything about technology or the Internet so that's a good spot to do freelance work. I informed 'Sonny Boy" that he could name a social media and I not only had an account but was active on it, built my own website, and published many e-books on two different publishing websites.
He never said a peep.
Just this week I had to let someone on Medium have it for the same reasons. Talking about Boomers like they're the whole and entire reason the world is imploding. It's getting exhausting getting all of these college graduates with their liberal arts degrees to understand that the world does not function in a vacuum!