People have tried it but they ended up getting caught.
When I signed up over 2 years ago I didn't do anything for the first 3 weeks but read. All day, every day. Just read. How to, where, why, and how. Then I self-pub'd my first 2 or 3 pieces just so I could get used to pushing the buttons, and clicking whatever to get a feel of how everything worked in real time. THEN I finally started submitting to publications.
But only after I read their submission guidelines, checked out their editor/writer ratio, how often they publish, how much, etc.
Then I printed out guidelines of the pubs I was still interested in after my research so that I'd have them at my finger tips.
If you want to earn money at this you have to treat it like a job because it's work. If it were easy everybody would be doing it.
Banging on a keyboard does not a writer makes. It makes you a typist.
I have a how-to list of pieces I've written helping people navigate Medium. You may want to scroll through it and see if there's anything that can help you.
People that have been on here longer than I have and have a much larger following call me Mediumpedia LOL