Setting Up A Google Alert

So you don’t miss the news you really want to see

Terry L. Cooper
1 min readAug 14, 2021
Image by Cheska Poon from Pixabay

This morning I published a piece that I wanted to follow for updates, as I am highly interested in seeing how the entire fiasco plays out. You can read that piece at the link below.

In the past, I’ve seen at the bottom of Google searches a way to set up an alert to receive notifications of when something new on the subject has been posted. But I never used it. Today I didn’t see that option.

So, I Googled how to create a Google Alert.

Screenshot by author

I literally clicked the Go to Google Alert link, copied and pasted the news headline into the search engine, and boom. Done. Alert created.

So now as soon as Nurse Ratched has been arrested, I’ll know about it!



Terry L. Cooper

Writer for this platform since June 2020. See my pinned post for links to locate me all over the WWW.