Relational Medium

Something New For Those of Us Who Aren’t So New

A call for submissions targeting Boomers! Welcome to Boomerangs.

Terry L. Cooper


Baby boomers are the demographic cohort following the Silent Generation and preceding Generation X. The generation is generally defined as people born from 1946 to 1964, during the post–World War II baby boom. Wikipedia

I’m a Cusper as I was born in ’63. So I have one foot in each generation. It makes me an enigma, and I’m okay with that. I can equally work the Medium platform like I own it while simultaneously yelling, “Get off my lawn!”

As of yesterday we now have “our” own publication! WOOHOO! Someplace where we can pull our camper vans in and park awhile; put out feet up and tell stories by the fire. I just took a deep cleansing breath as I wrote that…

From their announcement:

Liz Porter, (owner/editor) and Art Bram, (editor) join forces to make a difference on this platform. We welcome new writers and those of you who need some help to find your way through this maze called Medium.

Liz and Art plan on going the extra mile. They will promote your work on Twitter and through their newsletter. FOR FREE. Free social media promotion? #stopthemadness

Here they describe the publication:


Move over Millenials, we Baby Boomers are writing about our life experiences! We’re not grumpy old buggers, we’re extremely wise thirty-something-year-olds rebounding online. Boomerangs share life lessons about recovering our power, money, relationships, health, and self-worth.

I’ve already been added as a writer and can’t wait for my first submission! See you there, Boomers!

