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Terry’s Selections
All about editing and writing
While I edit, it’s always refreshing to have something to actually read. Editors will understand what I mean. I can break it down for everyone else. While in editing mode, I’m wearing a different hat, different from when I’m a reader. As a reader, like all readers, I either want to be informed or I want to be entertained. It’s great when it’s both.
But when I’m in editor mode, it’s a completely different mindset.
-Are the images copyright free and cited?
-Is the text copied from elsewhere and plagiarized?
-Does anything in this submission violate Medium policy?
-Are all sources and references cited?
You get the idea. I’m not reading. I’m editing. However, every so often, there is that diamond in the rough. A story that pulls you in for whatever reason and you find yourself wearing two hats at once. That or reader as well as editor. You find that you’re getting lost in the story and are completely oblivious to the red, blue, and gold squiggly lines under various words throughout.
You find yourself either saying, “I didn’t know that,” or “What happens next?!” without even realizing it. Those are the moments to live for.