Terry L. Cooper
Dec 16, 2021

There is pushback from some locals that live near the beaches to the notion of having windmills installed for power usage because it may impact tourism as they are “ugly”. Yet there is parking lot after parking lot filled to capacity of cars. There are all types of water “toys” (think jet skis and the ilk), boats of various types and sizes out on the water. Airplanes with advertisement banners flying to and fro not to mention helicopter rides up and down the coast to name just some of the ugliness that locals and tourists have had to grow accustomed to over the years.

Tourists are here (generally) Memorial Day through Labor Day. Windmills would power the locals year-round.

My vote is for the windmills.

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Terry L. Cooper

Writer for this platform since June 2020. See my pinned post for links to locate me all over the WWW.