This Explains so Much

It’s in my DNA

Terry L. Cooper
2 min readMar 14, 2022
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

I’ve been putting in several hours a day for several days now on my family tree. Basically because…

  • After being 79 degrees last Tuesday we had gale winds and snow on Saturday
  • I have about 5M channels of nothing to watch
  • I’ve done some writing but I’m not really feeling it
  • I’ve done some reading on here but that’s a scavenger hunt to find

So by default, I’ve been cleaning up and loading up my tree. The “fine” folks at Ancestry did an “update” about the same time I started plowing through the tree. Their “updates” as about as successful as the updates we get here. <eyeroll>

Needless to say, they dicked up a lot of the work that I had done already. I have at this moment 15,795 people on my tree. Probably 795 of them aren’t supposed to be there. I’ve been deleting peeps off and on all day today. The closer I get to the end the more I find.

Then I happened upon this chap that I had long since forgotten about.

Screenshot from my account

If you’re bored Google him. That’ll give you something to read!



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