This from a platform that places For You articles in my Following articles like I need more redundancy in my life.
This from a platform that can't seem to get the algorithm fixed to save its financial soul.
This from a platform that will let anyone post scribblings including telling Medium to pay them when they know up front their country isn't included.
Shall I keep going? You don't curse but I've been known to on occasion so here let me. Medium has been for some time now a giant cluster fuck.
That's why I hardly write here anymore. It's exhausting swimming upstream constantly. It's exhausting telling Medium what's wrong and them not acknowledging it or fixing it. I'm so done there is no need to stick me with a fork 'cause I'm falling off the bone at this point.
How in the actual fuck did Medium happen upon an article with this issue? I know I've done it too so I'm just waiting for the 24-hour notice at this point. Beats waiting with anticipation for the coming of Christmas Eve I suppose. 🙄