WHAT Have I Gotten Myself Into?

Thanks a lot, Kristi Keller!

Terry L. Cooper
2 min readMay 30, 2021


Screenshot by author

Naturally, I opted for the freebie and so far I have this:

Screenshot by author

Not a damn thing. WAY more complicated than I had thought it would be. I don’t remember Facebook being this difficult to set up. Facebook was “click here” and it does everything for you. Or it did years ago when I still bothered to negotiate rationally with Zuckerberg. Now he’s on my brief list of people who can kiss my *BLEEP*.

Imma have to try this on a day after I’ve had a good 12 hours of sleep and half a case of Red Bull.

More to come.


If you’ve tried this, please let me know. I’d really like to get some feedback on this Facebook competitor. I’d like to like if it’s worth the effort to stand on my head and figure this thing out!



Terry L. Cooper

Writer for this platform since June 2020. See my pinned post for links to locate me all over the WWW.