What is a Troll?

Time to break it down for some people.

Terry L. Cooper
4 min readJun 15, 2022
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

An internet troll, or online bully, deliberately tries to offend, cause trouble or directly attack people by posting derogatory comments on Facebook posts, blogs, under YouTube videos, on forums and other social media, such as Twitter and Instagram. — Ensleigh.com

I'd like to start by saying that I resent having to write this instead of eating my strawberry shortcake and watching the Young and the Restless right this second.

Okay. I’m back. The shortcake was so-so and I fast-forwarded through a lot of Y&R again today. Now to the topic at hand.

I had a story published on June 13 that seems to be a quasi-hit.

Screenshot of the story’s stats

In about 24 hours it’s had 70 internal views and 9 external. This is odd because I didn’t tweet it. As of midnight on day one I had already raked in a whopping .34 cents. Swimming pools. Movie stars.

Today it has spiked in views and in comments. This is where things, as usual, take a left. Right now it’s showing a measly 300 claps (70 views x 50 claps each view= 3500 claps. Get it together people.). It’s showing only 5 comments.

That’s because I’ve hidden at least three.

Screenshot of my notifications

I don’t know what this person’s issue is but I can take a wild stab at it and probably hit the nail on the head but we’re going to stick with facts here and not theories.

This person left two rather lengthy comments both of which I ignored and hid. Nearly everyone whose elevator hits the penthouse can tell when they’re being baited. I don’t engage. It will never end well so why bother? I have limited time and energy and I and I alone get to decide for myself how and where I will extend that time and energy.

Pluto doesn’t seem to think that’s acceptable.

Pluto is about as far out there as the planet itself.

They left a final comment and it’s final because I hid that one as well and then blocked them. They wanted to know if I was so sensitive that I couldn’t whatever because that’s where I stopped reading. So to answer a few questions.

No, Pluto. I am not overly sensitive which renders me incapable of holding a civil conversation on whatever topic is at hand.

No, Pluto. Just because someone comments does not mean that I am required to respond.

No, Pluto. I don’t need to break down a piece for you that has ‘op-ed’ as a kicker and a disclaimer directly under the citation of the image.

No, Pluto. The piece was written in the first person which means it is a first-hand account of my experiences in my life so I don’t need to justify anything to anyone. I expressed those experiences as well as my thoughts and feelings. None of which is up for debate nor do they need to fit whatever mold or agenda you’re attempting to push.

Yes, Pluto. I suggest you stick to See Spot Run and Velcro until your medication is all gone and you’ve had your competency trial. That way we’re sure that you and society are safe. (Thus the tag ‘sarcasm’).

Okay now, that last one you can get pissed about.

Too bad you won’t though since you’re on my blocked list. I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to bring the blocked list out of the closet. It’s been a while since I used it. Had a lot of dust on it that’s for sure.

I suggest you go stir up shite on Twitter. I see that they love that over there.



Terry L. Cooper

Writer for this platform since June 2020. See my pinned post for links to locate me all over the WWW.