Where To Publish

Christian writers’ edition

Terry L. Cooper
4 min readSep 21, 2021

I’ve covered all active publications that have 999 followers up to 5k+. So far I’ve done one other genre-specific regardless of size article. Now I’m doing another one. Christian writers on the platform have been asking for places to publish. Here’s what I managed to find, and frankly, it isn’t a lot.

They have 2.9k followers and posted on Sept 20. They also have a Facebook page.

They have 129 followers and also posted on Sept. 20. This is from their “latest” page.

Mustard Seed Sentinel is a Christian lifestyle magazine publishing articles on faith, health, politics, news, poetry, fiction, parenting, recipes, and book reviews. We are a family-friendly publication that publishes faith-based content. Only appropriate content will be accepted.

766 followers and last posted on Sept. 14. From their About page,


For the New Christian Intellectual is a worldview ministry created by Jacob Brunton and Cody Libolt. Our goal is to equip a new generation of Christian thinkers who will give a voice to the Classical principles of reason, rational self-interest, individualism, and individual rights. We offer a way to change the direction of modern Christian thought toward something more intellectually solid and more biblically faithful. Find out more about the project at our full website: ChristianIntellectual.com/about-us.

To inquire about submitting an article, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mTUtaBOmtymLrUf3sVUYhuPZKyyy1J1UFCUYoHlsPrw/

And that sadly was all that there was for Christianity. So then I tried searching “religion” under publications and came up with some more hits!

231 followers. Sept. 15 last post. From their About page,

Catholicism Coffee is dedicated towards spreading knowledge about the Catholic Faith to the world. We passionately write articles on Catholicism, pen down thought-provoking spirituality essay’s and summarise church theology and beliefs as straightforwardly as possible.

789 followers. Last published on Sept. 17. From their About page,


Stories from people who have questioned their beliefs, left their faith, navigated doubt, and changed their minds about religion. Some are atheists, some agnostic, and some embrace a different kind of belief. All of them are recovering from religion.

2k followers and Sept. 19 last pub date. From their About page,

Spiritual Tree

Planting Seeds of Spirituality — To spread Peace of mind, Positivity and Happiness through Spiritual Connections

38 followers / Sept 20

Writings from the Catholic Abbey to the Secular World

Catholic writing designed to challenge Catholics and non-Catholics alike see also: https://www.catholicaudiomedia.com

122 followers / Sept 17

The Judean People’s Front

Writing by Jewish people. Proudly promoting Jewish authors.

And that’s what there is under religion. Hopefully, something in here was of use. I’ve suggested it to at least one person before but maybe it’s time for a new publication on Medium? Have some of you that are active on the platform and looking for a home thought about coming together and launching a place for yourselves?

Who knows, there may be some others out there looking for a home as well but just haven’t been as vocal about it.

I’d even be willing to lay the foundation and get the skeleton of the publication together. You/you all could then take it over and make it your own.

Bebe Nicholson and Ida Adams, yes, I’m talking to the two of you!

About the author

Terry L. Cooper has published over 60 books in 6 languages on Amazon. She has been interviewed by WJLA of Washington, D.C. as well as the Washington Post. She is currently single, living in Maryland, and fabulous. Not to mention funny.



Terry L. Cooper

Writer for this platform since June 2020. See my pinned post for links to locate me all over the WWW.